A new hope for Meja

Ally Mussa AKA Meja is 24 years old, he lives in Chadulu street, Tambukareli ward in Dodoma City.

The youngster had stayed at Shukurani Children home from 2011 to 2018. While he was staying at the centre, he was enrolled at Chamwino primary school from 2011 to 2015. Once completed primary education, he was enrolled at St. Gabriel Technical School from 2016 to 2018 but while he was studying, he dropped out from school, and he started working as a bajaji and bodaboda driver.

Unfortunately, in 2020 he got a bad accident while he was driving a motorcycle with his fellow, and that led him to have his leg amputated. As soon as KISEDET was informed about the case, the staff started to investigate on how they could help Ally. Then, OVC department decided to make an assessment at the hospital for a possible treatment. Therefore, Kisedet identified the Ikonda Hospital in Makete District in Njombe region, which is specialised in prosthesis, and Ally was brought there and successfully completed the treatment of applying a prosthetic leg.

Obviously, the process is still in progress and Ally has just started doing some physiotherapy exercises to get used to his new leg. When he will be discharged from the hospital, KISEDET will evaluate the possibility of helping the boy by providing a start-up kit to initiate a small business.

Children with disabilities project
