A prize for Kisedet from the Tanzanian Ambassador in Italy

KISEDET NGO received a certificate of appreciation from the Ambassador of the United Republic of Tanzania in Italy in recognition of extraordinary support in improving public social services in Tanzania.

On Saturday 18 March, the second annual meeting of Italian NGOs operating in Tanzania took place at the Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania in Rome.

In the presence of the Ambassador of Tanzania in Italy, Mahmoud Thabit Kombo, of dr. Hassan Ali Hassan head of the Immigration Commission of Zanzibar, of Dr. Anna P. Makakala of the General Commission for Immigration of Tanzania, of the Consul of Tanzania in Italy Avv. Marco Conca and in connection from Dar es Salam of the Ambassador of Italy in Tanzania Marco Lombardi – the meeting detailed all the problems and possible improvements of Italian NGOs’ interventions in Tanzania.

Mahmoud Thabit Kombo confirmed a stronger synergy already in place between NGOs, the diaspora in Italy, universities and civil society while Marco Lombardi reiterated the great importance that Italian NGOs have on the territory of Tanzania, confirming the involvement of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (Aics) in Tanzania.

The goal is to optimize and facilitate the work between the organizations and have a single point of reference that allows the associations to act with a single voice in relations with the Government of Tanzania.

Some of the associations that have particularly distinguished themselves for their activity in the Tanzanian territory were awarded by the Ambassador, such as Gruppo Tanzania Onlus for Kisedet.

Giulia De Paolis participated in the event as vice president of Gruppo Tanzania Onlus to receive the certificate of appreciation and also to express our disappointment for the difficulties we face hosting expatriated staff such as Italian Civil Servants due to unclear and extremely expensive burocratic procedures that sadly do not make any difference of treatment between a worker in the international cooperation field and any other for-profit business.

KISEDET NGO received a certificate of appreciation from the Ambassador of the United Republic of Tanzania in Italy

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